Where in the world is Wordslingergal?

I’m back! Yes, I have taken a hiatus, but it was for good reason. Wordslingergal has been completely redesigned and now is an official website. The purpose of the website/blog has also changed. In addition to a place where I post recently published articles, posts will now be focused on helping new writers break into the publishing world and writing industry. So, if you would love to learn tips on different types of writing, how to create a book proposal, how to get your first article published, branding yourself and a ton of other helpful articles, then please visit http://www.Wordslingergal.com! You can subscribe to my new blog there. And for my current subscribers, I just want to say thank you for following me and I hope you will continue on this new journey with me.

To a new journey…

Wordslingergal – Marisa Zeppieri-Caruana

Check out today’s post – Hot Topic Tuesday: Memoir Writing Part 1 – Today is Hot Topic Tuesday! http://www.wordslingergal.com/2012/11/hot-topic-tuesday-memoirs-part-1.html